Deliver Reliable Information


One goal of Peek·into·the·Past is to deliver reliable information.


  • Peek·into·the·Past aims to publish trustworthy stories.  StoryTellers must authenticate their identity, email address, and, if provided, their profile image.  They also certify that credit is given to all creative work.  The names of people appearing within the story must also be shown.
  • Tap here for details of the authentication process.  It is crucial to verify that StoryTeller names belong to living individuals and that they are the ones who receive and send communication on their behalf.
  • Stories are written from the StoryTeller’s perspective; determining content is within the StoryTeller’s purview.  However, in their specifically identified section of each story, Visitors (users of the stories) may add enhancing insights or contradictory points of view.
  • Admittedly, the process is not foolproof, but it goes a long way toward meeting our goal of publishing only reliable information.


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