1922 - 1974

Elbert Lynn Scott {1922 – 1974}

Scott, Bob and father, Lynn, portrait

Lynn with his only child, Bob Roe Scott (Photographer unknown)

Last Updated: January 21, 2024

Elbert Lynn Scott signed portrait “To Martha, All my love, Lynn” (photographer unknown)

Elbert Lynn Scott signed portrait “To Martha, All my love, Lynn” (photographer unknown)

Elbert Lynn Scott

Born May 27, 1922, in Moran, Shackelford, Texas as the first child of Egbert Monroe Scott and Myrtle Jane (Morrison) Scott.  He had five siblings: Robert Oren, Jack Edward, Roger Coleman, Jo Ann, and Mary Jean.  Lynn died from a vehicle accident in Albany, Texas, on June 8, 1974, at age 52.  When he was twenty-six, he married Martha Jean Avent in October 1948.  Three years later, on September 25, 1951, their son, Bob Roe Scott, was born weighing six pounds, twelve ounces in San Angelo, Texas.  When he was thirty-eight, he married Dorothy Woodward in San Angelo, Texas.  There were no children born into that marriage.   Though they remained friends for the rest of his life, the marriage survived only two years.

Lynn was born and raised in Shackelford County, Texas.  He was known to hold membership in a Masonic Lodge.

Lynn’s early life was impacted by the Great Depression and likely more significantly by the Dust Bowl between 1931-1939.  The Dust Bowl was a period of repeating destructive dust storms in the southern plains of the United States.

As those storms were ending, Lynn enlisted in the Army.  He served in the military during World War II in the Army, surviving the D-Day operation in Normandy, France.  Seeing action during World War II left him, like many, with horror for the rest of his life.  Later wars, the Korean and Vietnam, no doubt re-kindled those dreadful memories.

Employed as a linesman with Santa Fe Railroad, his work required frequent relocation within Texas and New Mexico repairing company property.

Late in his life, the first-person lands on the moon.

Bob Roe Scott, Son image
Bob Roe Scott, Son

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Moran Cemetery, Moran, TX

Elbert Lynn Scott’s genealogical records are here.

Moran Cemetery in Moran, TX. GPS Coordinates: 32.5433, -99.1392.

Oldest Known Ancestors

Elbert Lynn Scott


  1. Myrtle Jane Morrison
    1. Maternal Line

      Northern Ireland / 1720

    2. Paternal Line

      Moran, Shackelford, Texas / 1808

  2. Egbert Monroe Scott
    1. Maternal Line

      Northern Ireland / 1720

    2. Paternal Line

      Ponds Hall, Boxted, Essex, England / 1533

What’s the story behind the Scott name?

MyFamily.com, Inc. published in 2006 “OUR NAME IN HISTORY The Scott Name.”  It contains a historical timeline: in 1840, the U.S. had 5,186 Scott families; by 1920, there were 62,322; and today, most live in Texas and California.  During the Civil War, there were 5,983 Scott Union soldiers and 2,844 Scott Confederate soldiers.  13,301 Scott soldiers joined the Army during World War II.  From 1800 to 1948, most Scott immigrants to the U.S. came from England, Ireland, and Scotland.  1888 was the year most Scott immigrants to the U.S. arrived.  Long Island National Cemetery is where most Scott veterans are buried.


Dust Bowl …

The Dust Bowl was a period of repeating destructive dust storms in the southern plains of the United States.  A severe drought caused them after years of deep plowing, which removed the grassy ground cover that previously held the soil in place.  Once exposed, the earth was dried and whipped by terrific winds creating billowing clouds of dust in the skies. The Dust Bowl significantly impacted Lynn’s life between 1931-1939. Because of the physical and economic effects, hundreds of thousands of people were forced to leave their homes to seek a better life elsewhere.


Great Depression …

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression between 1929 and 1939[1] that began after a significant fall in stock prices in the United States.[2] The economic contagion started around September 4, 1929, and became known worldwide on Black Tuesday, the stock market crash of October 29, 1929. The economic shock transmitted worldwide, impacting countries to varying degrees, with most countries experiencing the Great Depression from 1929.

Lynn’s parents were 37 and 28 years old at the time, and Lynn was 7.  This young farming family certainly struggled to survive hardship, to say the least, brought about by the Great Depression.


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